Using Your Past to Pivot Into Your Strengths with Rachel Lockett

Rachel Lockett shares how growing up with two warring psychologists as parents, helped her use her strengths to pivot into her passion. Rachel shares how understanding her strengths, propelled her into her business as a coach.

Responsibility and The Joy List: The Burden of Always Having To Be Grateful

On Episode 6 of the Plastic Couch Podcast, we talk about responsibility and the burden that can come from our families.

There's so many people that I meet in the workplace through coaching or through team-building that specifically are dedicated to the idea of responsibility. For many of them, responsibility is on the list of their their top five strengths.

They feel responsible for getting things done. This can be a really incredible strength to ensure that results take place on the team. But how does it relate to our history? How does it relate to our family? To our childhood or culture?

At the end of the episode, we talk about joy. Most people who are highly responsible individuals can have a hard time experiencing joy. Partially because they were always working, taking care of others, or involved in something that prevented them from focusing on fun, self-care or finding out what made them happy.

I have created a “Joy List” just for you. If you would like to share your joy lists on social media, use the hastags #theplasticcouch #createyourjoylist

I would love to hear and see some of the lists of the things that bring you joy, make you happy and fill you up. Joy is revolutionary, expecially from some of the families and upbringings that we came from.

Most of all, I want you to know that you deserve joy to come into your life in so many different shapes and forms.

And I want you to also think about your relationship to responsibility. Where did that develop? And when did you become responsible for things, for people, for ideas, for concepts, for teams, or for someone else's happiness? Where did that come up?

And when are you ready to release some of that responsibility so that you can add more joy back into your life?


P.S. - The Plastic Couch Podast is available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Share your Joylist on social media!! Use the hashtags #createyourjoylist #theplasticcouch

The Plastic Couch Podcast - Fear and Living For Others

Years ago, my plane dropped in the sky and I did not think I would make it home. It was a moment that changed my life forever.

As a transformational coach, I help people let go of expectations and fear in order to step into who they really are.

On my new podcast, I talk about that moment on the plane, my own fears and how leaving the legal field defied the expectations placed on me by friends and family.

I invite you to subscribe to the podcast and then join me back on my blog for a link to the resources I mentioned in the podcast.

Resources from Episode 1: Fear and Living For Others

  • Contact me for more info about a DISC Profile or Session for your team

  • Schedule a Discovery Call about Transformational Coaching with Kristen

    • (Includes EQ Assessment, Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment and a session on Mindset)

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