
My new book - The Diversity in Humanity

As an author cohort, we know that we are talking about a topic that has been at the center of so many discussions over the last few years. But the words I have written are not the same as the ideas that are already out there. This is a unique and different perspective around both humanity and diversity. And my mission is to make room for the possibility of seeing and embracing more of who you are so that you can empower others in a way that grows the world around you.

​I hope that you will join me in this mission by purchasing your copy and registering to join us at the summit live or on replay next week.

Register Today for The Diversity in Humanity Author Summit, April 26th and 27th. (Three ticket options available)

​I'd also love to share an excerpt from my chapter, so that you get a feel for the power of this book:

"​Most people approach diversity from the perspective of race, gender, and sexuality. But diversity is so much more than facts and numbers. It is also about beliefs, experiences, emotions, and the spaces in between that are not visible to the human eye. It is about the humanity beneath the surface and the desire we all have to be loved, seen, and appreciated for the gifts we carry and the way we are.

We are all designed by our experiences. Every interaction, loss, change, job, relationship, heartbreak, trauma, and event has shaped us into who we are. And each one of us has been designed in a completely different way."

I can’t wait for you to read it!

Knowing When Your Team Needs to Be Fed

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I have a plant that droops when it needs to be fed. The same thing happens to employees when they need to be fed with something different than what they are receiving.

Whether it is:
⭐️Doing 5 jobs for the price of 1
⭐️Too little recognition (or none at all)
⭐️Exhaustion from red tape that keeps them from moving forward and feeding their productivity
⭐️Craving professional development or feeling judged for taking time to attend sessions
⭐️Having a manager who says they hate micromanaging, but wants to have a say in every single thing an employee does
⭐️Not feeling excited anymore about a job they have had for a long time
⭐️Having a manager with zero boundaries who says yes to everything but delegates the “yes’s” to an already stressed out the team
⭐️Being a hard working employee who doesn’t get checked on or rewarded because everyone assumes they are ok
⭐️Going through a lot at home or at work
⭐️A manager who knows they need leadership skills but isn’t receiving them from their organization

A part of being a leader is knowing when your team’s “leaves” begin to droop or knowing when their energy is off. And more importantly, doing what you can to feed them when you do take notice.

Don’t forget about the introverts

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Sometimes our world expects everyone to jump right in, have an immediate answer, and speak right up. But some people need a little more time to gather their thoughts and contemplate their actions.

In one of my sessions, I noticed that some participants were raising their hands and others were just jumping right in the conversation. I use the personal white boards to even the playing field. I ask questions and have participants write down their answers and hold them up.

Using mini white boards is one way to help everyone in the session feel heard - my introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts.

How are you including introverts in your meetings, sessions, and workshops?