Undiscovered Talent

When I was 15, my cousin Russ took me to Sylvia's Restaurant in NYC. It was the night I got the courage to walk to Denzel Washington's table and ask him for his autograph. But that wasn't even the most memorable part of the night.

When we walked in, Flavor Flav was on the piano, playing the most beautiful classical music I had ever heard.

I was accustomed to watching him on stage with a microphone and huge clock around his neck. I was not used to hearing his fingers fly across the black and white keys on the piano, as though he was at Carnegie Hall, performing for us all.

It was the day that I understand that all of us have enormous talent inside of us, that is sometimes hidden from the people around us.

So many managers have people on their team, in roles that are using 1/10 of their talent - and are unaware that they have a zone of genius inside of them that is unbelievably amazing and deserves to be seen and heard.

What is the talent that YOU are hiding from yourself or from the world?

Set up a VIP day to discover your talents.

Knowing When Your Team Needs to Be Fed

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I have a plant that droops when it needs to be fed. The same thing happens to employees when they need to be fed with something different than what they are receiving.

Whether it is:
⭐️Doing 5 jobs for the price of 1
⭐️Too little recognition (or none at all)
⭐️Exhaustion from red tape that keeps them from moving forward and feeding their productivity
⭐️Craving professional development or feeling judged for taking time to attend sessions
⭐️Having a manager who says they hate micromanaging, but wants to have a say in every single thing an employee does
⭐️Not feeling excited anymore about a job they have had for a long time
⭐️Having a manager with zero boundaries who says yes to everything but delegates the “yes’s” to an already stressed out the team
⭐️Being a hard working employee who doesn’t get checked on or rewarded because everyone assumes they are ok
⭐️Going through a lot at home or at work
⭐️A manager who knows they need leadership skills but isn’t receiving them from their organization

A part of being a leader is knowing when your team’s “leaves” begin to droop or knowing when their energy is off. And more importantly, doing what you can to feed them when you do take notice.

The Plastic Couch Podcast - Fear and Living For Others

Years ago, my plane dropped in the sky and I did not think I would make it home. It was a moment that changed my life forever.

As a transformational coach, I help people let go of expectations and fear in order to step into who they really are.

On my new podcast, I talk about that moment on the plane, my own fears and how leaving the legal field defied the expectations placed on me by friends and family.

I invite you to subscribe to the podcast and then join me back on my blog for a link to the resources I mentioned in the podcast.

Resources from Episode 1: Fear and Living For Others

  • Contact me for more info about a DISC Profile or Session for your team

  • Schedule a Discovery Call about Transformational Coaching with Kristen

    • (Includes EQ Assessment, Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment and a session on Mindset)

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